Forum "Let
us say-not 'Since we know, we love,' But rather 'since we love, we know
"JRILY.com" is a web site devoted to the expression of love between individuals by the use of art, poetry, literature or other artistic expressions which display this most wonderful of all emotions: Love as it is meant to be. We are now soliciting submissions from our visitors for Perspectives On Love-- a special section of the JRILY.com web site. If you have a poem, essay, story, or thought to share which expresses your own perspective on love, please complete the "Perspectives On Love" submission form below to send us your words. To submit
your poetry or comments, please complete the information requested
on the form and agree to the terms and conditions
stated below: 2. Although this site is uncensored, the JRILY.com webmasters will refuse any piece of writing which is grossly offensive to the Web community including blatant expressions of bigotry, racism, hatred, or profanity. 3. If your submission does not fit the purpose of the Perspectives On Love page, we reserve the right to post it elsewhere at JRILY.com. However, you will be notified of our decision and may request NOT to have it posted in the alternative location. 4.
You will retain all copyrights to any
original works posted at this site. It may be removed at any time
without prior notice by the JRILY.com webmasters or if you request
it to be removed.