Uses and Gratifications and Internet Profiles:
A Factor Analysis
Part 7




Profiles are based on limited information and exploratory analysis. The references to users and their characteristics in the following profiles are based only on the respondents of this survey. Groups may not include measurement reports for all of the same variables. Characteristics are identified only if they measured significant levels for that group. If particular variables are not addressed for a group profile, it is because that variable showed no weighted significance for that group.

Listings of the highest positive and negative loadings indicate that compared to all eight groups, that particular group carried the highest loading (+/-) for that category or subcategory.


Type 1 –Gratified Control External LOC Users

Type 1 users are unwilling to communicate and display high external LOC. They are generally satisfied with interpersonal communications, but seem to receive greater satisfaction of needs on the Internet. Loneliness is also a high motivator for Internet activities and users report a moderate to low number of meaningful interpersonal relationships. They place considerable value on Internet control. They rank highest in enjoying the ability to do what they want and to act how they want on the Internet. They are the most likely group to role-play on the Internet and are unlikely to view the Internet as just another tool. They use the Internet for a diverse number of reasons, including procrastination, loneliness, relaxation, escape, games, chat, information and instant messaging. This group measures moderate to high Internet gratification. They measure the second highest in experiencing a sense of meta-connectedness. They do not measure a dependency on the Internet, but appear to be quite active. This group is likely to be younger.

High Positive Loadings: Internet relax, Internet control, Internet inclusion, unwilling to communicate, Internet role play, external locus

High Negative Loadings: willing to communicate, Internet ungratified, internal locus, age

Key Point Summary:

  • Active, aggressive users
  • Escape and role play
  • Value Internet control and independence
  • Unwilling to communicate
  • External locus of control
  • Loneliness, fewer meaningful interpersonal relationships
  • Moderate/High Internet gratification
  • Experience meta-connectedness

Figure 1 reports the highest and lowest loadings for each item. These loadings form the basic despription of the group. Highest loadings are in bold and lowest loadings are in italics. Appendix B lists all loadings over .10 for each item and all groups.

Figure 1 - Group 1 Loadings





Escape – The Internet is a nice break from routine


Use – I use instant messaging


Relax – I use the Internet to relax


Inclusion – I use the Internet because I need to talk to someone


Pleasure – I use the Internet because it’s entertaining


Unwillingness to communicate Most people don’t really know me


Relax – I use the Internet because it make me feel less tense


Escape – I use the Internet to role/play


Inclusion - On the Internet I can talk to different people


LOC/External – I sometimes feel life is kicking me around


Pleasure – The Internet is stimulating


Escape – I use the Internet to put other things off


Control – On the Internet I can do what I want to


Gratified – The Internet is just another tool


Control – On Internet I can act how I want to


Loc/internal – Friends depend on me


Inclusion – I use the Internet to keep up with popular sites


Inclusion – I talk with others because I like to know someone is there


Pleasure – I use the Internet because it’s exciting


Loc/internal – I can do anything I set my mind to


Escape – I use the Internet to get away from pressure


Loc/internal – What happens to me depends on me


Ungratified – I use the Internet only when I have to


Unwillingness to communicate – I often wish I had more friends





Type 2 – Gratified Independent Internal LOC Users

Type 2 users are highly gratified in their interpersonal relationships and measure a strong internal locus of control. There is some measurement of control in interpersonal relationships. Members are willing to communicate and rank highest in using the Internet for research, information and to keep in touch with others. The also use the Internet for escape and relax. They are unlikely to use the Net for games, chat or instant messaging. They use the Internet moderately and show no dependency or attachment to it. They think the Internet has taken warmth out of communications and are fairly uninterested in control on the Internet They do, however, value the ability to work online at their own pace. They are generally satisfied with the Internet and view it as moderately important.

High Positive Loadings: Internal LOC, Interpersonal gratification (pleasure, inclusion, affection), willing to communicate, some Internet inclusion, Internet information, research, Internet pleasure, Internet relax, Internet escape, Internet inclusion

High Negative Loadings: High Internet gratification, role-play, meta-connectedness, external LOC

Key Point Summary

  • Moderately active users
  • Highly gratified interpersonal
  • Willing to communicate
  • Internet research, information
  • Value work at own pace
  • No attachment to the Internet

  • Generally satisfied with Internet

Figure 2 reports the highest and lowest loadings for each of the items. These loadings form the basic description of the group. Highest loadings are in bold and lowest loadings are in italics. Appendix B lists all loadings over .10 for each item and all groups.

Figure 2 - Group 2 Loadings





Unwillingness to communicate Most people don’t really know me


Information - It’s easy to get information on the Internet


Escape – I use the Internet to role/play


LOC/External – What is going to happen, will happen


Affection–I talk w/ others because I’m concerned


Highly Gratified – If I could do everything online, I would


Inclusion – I talk with others because I like to know someone is there


Highly Gratified – I don’t know how I got by before the Internet


Pleasure – Talking w/others is stimulating


Highly Gratified – I Internet feels like an old friend sometimes


Affection – I talk with others to thank them


Meta-connection- Sometimes I feel I’m crossing dimensions on the Internet


Relax – Talking with others is relaxing


Unwillingness to communicate My relationships have little meaning


Pleasure – Talking with others is exciting


Unwillingness to communicate /Control – I don’t usually ask for advice when I work on something


Pleasure – Talking w/others is entertaining


LOC/External – Luck has a lot to do with what happens to me


Relax – I talk w/others because it’s a pleasant rest


Information - I use the Internet to get information


Inclusion – I talk w/others because I need someone to talk to


Willingness to communicate – My friends mostly understand me


Willingness to communicate – Most people think I’m friendly and outgoing


Affection – I talk to others to help them


Willing to communicate – I like group discussions


Inclusion/Unwillingness – I use the Internet to keep in touch with others


Information – I use the Internet to help with research


Loc/internal – I can do anything I set my mind to



Type 3 – Highly Gratified Control Internal Users

Type 3 users rank highest in High Internet gratification. These users measure a high dependency on the Internet and experience a high sense of meta-connectedness. They value convenience and independence on the Internet, and they are most likely to use the Internet for the control they feel it gives them. They rank highest in the primary Internet control item (item 33) and they rank second in appreciating the ability to do and act how they want to online. Members indicate that they would do "everything on line if they could." These users are most likely to role-play, gather information and conduct research online. They also use the Internet for inclusion and rank highest in email use. This group has an internal LOC and appears to be fairly willing to communicate. Interpersonal gratification is moderate. Members tend to be somewhat older and have higher slightly educations.

High Positive Loadings: Internet highly gratified, Internet dependency, meta-connectedness, Internet control, internal LOC,

High Negative Loadings: Unwilling to communicate, external LOC, ungratified Internet

Key Point Summary

  • Active, aggressive users
  • Internal locus of control
  • Willing to communicate
  • High meta-connectedness
  • High Internet gratification
  • Internet dependency
  • Internet control

Figure 3 reports the highest and lowest loadings for each of the items. These loadings form the basic description of the group. Highest loadings are in bold and lowest loadings are in italics. Appendix B lists all loadings over .10 for each item and all groups.

Figure 3 - Group 3 Loadings





Loc/internal – Friends depend on me


Meta-connection – I feel connected to so many things on the Internet


Affection – I talk with others to thank them


Gratified – I am usually satisfied with Internet results


Highly Gratified – If I could do everything online, I would


Control – It is more convenient talking to people through the Internet


Highly Gratified – I don’t know how I got by before the Internet


Meta-connection – When I’m on the Internet I feel like I’m traveling the world


Highly Gratified – I depend a lot on the Internet


Loc/internal – I can usually protect my interests


Highly Gratified – I Internet feels like an old friend sometimes


Loc/internal – What happens to me depends on me


Highly Gratified - I found surprises on the Internet


Loc/external – I have little control over what happens to me


Control - When using the Internet, I feel like I have lots of knowledge at my fingertips


Ungratified– The Internet is not near what people say about it


Meta-connection- Sometimes I feel I’m crossing dimensions on the Internet


Ungratified– The Internet has taken a lot of the warmth out of communications


Control – I use the Internet because I feel more in control


Information – I use the Internet to learn new things


Highly Gratified – I use the Internet much more than I expected I would


Control – I use the Internet because it’s more convenient than library


Gratified – Internet satisfies my expectations in general


Use – newsgroups and listserves


Control – I can use Internet at own pace


Use – I use email



Type 4 –Agitated Introvert Users

Type 4 users are highly unwilling to communicate and display a strong external LOC. Users in this group have few meaningful relationship and appear to receive minimal gratification from interpersonal communication. Most interpersonal communications appear to be motivated by loneliness, and there is moderate satisfaction in this area. Control in interpersonal relationships is minimal. They report moderate satisfaction from Internet communications and appear to be more active online than they are in interpersonal activities. Control is a relevant factor in Internet use. They are likely to use the Internet for relaxation, escape and affection. Members report low use on specific Internet activities, yet they display fairly high loadings for Internet motivations. There is some indication that these users will use the Internet in spite of feeling frustration with it. Members have typically been online longer than the other groups.

High Positive Loadings: Unwilling to communicate, external LOC, loneliness

High Negative Loadings: Willing to communicate

Key Point Summary

    • Passive, moderate users
    • Unwilling to communicate
    • Value control on the Internet
    • External locus of control
    • Low value for interpersonal communication
    • High levels of loneliness
    • Few meaningful relationships
    • Moderately gratified on Internet

Figure 4 reports the highest and lowest loadings for each of the items. These loadings form the basic description of the group. Highest loadings are in bold and lowest loadings are in italics. Appendix B lists all loadings over .10 for each item and all groups.

Figure 4 - Group 4 Loadings





Pleasure – Talking w/others is stimulating


Unwillingness to communicate – I often get nervous when speaking to others


Pleasure – Talking with others is exciting


Unwillingness to communicate – I am often afraid to speak up


Willingness to communicate – My friends mostly understand me


Unwillingness to communicate – I am often shy


Willingness to communicate - Friends listen to me


Unwillingness to communicate – I often wish I had more friends


Willingness to communicate – Most people think I’m friendly and outgoing


Inclusion – I talk w/others because I feel less lonely


Highly Gratified – I use the Internet much more than I expected I would


Affection – The Internet distracts from loneliness


LOC/External – Many things about my life are controlled by others


Unwillingness to communicate My relationships have little meaning


Use – research/telnet


Loc/external – I have little control over what happens to me


Use – News/Information


Unwillingness to communicate – I would rather listen than talk


Time – total time on the Internet


Willingness to communicate – it is easy to talk to strangers


Use – I use email


Unwillingness to communicate /Control – I don’t usually ask for advice when I work on something


Control – I talk w/others to get something I don’t have


Control – I talk w/others to tell them what to do/instruct



Type 5 - Ungratified Cycle Users

This group is the least gratified by the Internet Users have strong external LOC and are mixed in their willingness to communicate. The only considerable ranking related to interpersonal communications is the tendency to procrastinate. They consider the Internet just another tool and have difficulty finding information. They tend to think the Internet is over-rated and that it has taken warmth out of interpersonal relationships. Users view the Internet as more convenient than the library and they value the sense of control experienced. And while they report that the Internet is usually avoided, they do show fairly active involvement in games, chat, role-play, gathering information and activities causing procrastination of other tasks. Oddly, these users report the highest likelihood for continued use in spite of the difficulty they have in finding information, the highest level of continued use of seeking information even though an easier method might be available, and fairly high levels of meta-connectedness. They also rank highest for agreement with the item, "I would rarely talk to others if it were not for the Internet" These members are likely to be lower-level college students.

High Positive Loadings: external LOC, Internet ungratified,

High Negative Loadings: Internet research, Internet relax, education, Internet gratification

Key Point Summary

    • External locus of control
    • Moderate/High value Internet control
    • Internet Highly ungratified
    • Highest likely continued use
    • Moderately meta-connected

Figure 5 reports the highest and lowest loadings for each of the items. These loadings form the basic description of the group. Highest loadings are in bold and lowest loadings are in italics. Appendix B lists all loadings over .10 for each item and all groups.

Figure 5 - Group 5 Loadings





Relax – I use the Internet to relax


Ungratified – Things are often difficult to find on the Internet


Pleasure – The Internet is stimulating


Ungratified – I am often disappointed with my Internet experience


Inclusion – I use the Internet to keep up with popular sites


Highly Gratified/Control – I often get frustrated on the Internet but continuing using it anyway


Gratified – The Internet is just another tool


Ungratified– The Internet is not near what people say about it


Highly Gratified – I depend a lot on the Internet


Ungratified – All the talk about the Internet is a bunch of hype


Control - When using the Internet, I feel like I have lots of knowledge at my fingertips


Highly Gratified/Control – I often spend a long time looking for something on the Internet when this is an easier way to find it


Gratified – Internet satisfies my expectations in general


Ungratified– The Internet has taken a lot of the warmth out of communications


Gratified – I am usually satisfied with Internet results


Ungratified – I use the Internet only when I have to


Willingness to communicate – it is easy to talk to strangers


Gratified/Ungratified – There are few things I do on the Internet


Use – search engines


LOC/External – Many things about my life are controlled by others


Educational level


LOC/External – Luck has a lot to do with what happens to me


Highly Gratified (Unwillingness to communicate) – I would rarely talk to others if not through the Internet




Type 6 – Basic Independent Users – Internal LOC

These members are willing to communicate and have internal LOC. They are relatively uninterested in control on the Internet, but do express some control in interpersonal communications. There is little interest in affection in relation to interpersonal communications, but in general, these relationships are satisfying. Motivations for interpersonal communications are likely to be control, entertainment or relaxation. These users load highest for the Internet activities such as using search engines, research, news groups, surfing, information and email. They ranked lowest for Internet convenience (vs. library), games, chat and instant messaging. They have the longest time as Internet users, are older and have higher educations. They are generally satisfied with Internet experiences, but see it as only moderately important.

High Positive Loadings: Internet uses: search, research, newsgroups, surf and information, email, age, education

High Negative Loadings: Interpersonal affection, chat, Internet convenience, instant messaging, to learn

Key Point Summary

    • Moderately active user
    • Willing to communicate
    • Internal LOC
    • Generally Internet gratified

    • Internet High Information use
    • Internet low level social use (synchronous)
    • High email
    • Age, education

Figure 6 reports the highest and lowest loadings for each of the items. These loadings form the basic description of the group. Highest loadings are in bold and lowest loadings are in italics. Appendix B lists all loadings over .10 for each item and all groups.

Figure 6 - Group 6 Loadings







Use – search engines


LOC/External – I sometimes feel life is kicking me around


Educational level


Affection–I talk w/ others because I’m concerned


Pleasure – I use the Internet because it’s exciting


Affection – I talk to others to help them


Use – research/telnet


Information – I use the Internet to help with research


Information – I use the Internet to learn new things


Inclusion/Unwillingness – I use the Internet to keep in touch with others


Use – I use the Internet for games/chatrooms


Control – I use the Internet because I feel more in control


Control – I use the Internet because it’s more convenient than library


Unwillingness to communicate – I often wish I had more friends


Information - I use the Internet to get information


Unwillingness to communicate – I would rather listen than talk


Control – I talk w/others because I need something done


Use – News/Information


Use – newsgroups and listserves


Time – total time on the Internet


Use – I use the Internet to surf


Use – I use Internet Messaging


Access location


Use – I use email




Type 7 - General Gratified User – External LOC

The type 7 group is moderate to highly satisfied in interpersonal communications, and they have some interpersonal concern with inclusion. Interpersonal relationships may have little meaning. They show high levels of interpersonal motives related to control and procrastination. Internet activities include procrastination, inclusion and pleasure. Willingness to communicate is mixed and they lean toward an external LOC. These users indicate some dependency and moderately high levels of Internet gratification, but display no connectedness or attachment to it. Members of this group are likely to be male.

High Positive Loadings: Interpersonal control, procrastination, High interpersonal gratification

High Negative Loadings: Internet ungratified

Key Point Summary

    • Moderate, passive users
    • High value interpersonal control
    • Generally gratified on the Net
    • Procrastination
    • External LOC

Figure 7 reports the highest and lowest loadings for each of the items. These loadings form the basic description of the group. Highest loadings are in bold and lowest loadings are in italics. Appendix B lists all loadings over .10 for each item and all groups.

Figure 7 - Group 7 Loadings





Inclusion - On the Internet I can talk to different people


Unwillingness to communicate – I am often afraid to speak up


Control – On Internet I can act how I want to


Unwillingness to communicate – I am often shy


Escape – I use the Internet to get away from pressure


Ungratified – All the talk about the Internet is a bunch of hype


Willing to communicate – I like group discussions


Gratified/Ungratified – There are few things I do on the Internet


Information - It’s easy to get information on the Internet


Use – I use the Internet to surf


LOC/External – What is going to happen, will happen


Control – I talk w/others because I need something done


Control – I can use Internet at own pace


Control – I talk w/others to get something I don’t have


Meta-connection – I feel connected to so many things on the Internet


Escape – I talk to others to put something else off


Control – It is more convenient talking to people through the Internet


Control – I talk w/others to tell them what to do/instruct


Meta-connection – When I’m on the Internet I feel like I’m traveling the world





Feel free to cite material in this study, but please provide this reference:
     Angleman, S. (December, 2000). Uses and Gratifications and Internet Profiles: A Factor Analysis. Is Internet Use and Travel to Cyberspace Reinforced by Unrealized Gratifications? Paper presented at the Western Science Social Association 2001 Conference held in Reno, NV. <> (date of access).

Complete factor analysis and other detailed data is available upon request (SPSS format, IBM)). For information or comments concerning this study, please contact, Sharon Angleman at Visit my home site at for other journalistic materials.